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Top 500 + pixallab custom Fonts Download 2022 | To Make Video Thumbnail

Hello friends .  In today's post, we are going to tell you all about custom fonts for Pixellab application.  In this post we will know what is custom fonts?  And how can we use it to make thumbnail in Pixellab application?  With the help of this post, you will also know how to use different fonts in your thumbnail so that you can make a good thumbnail for your YouTube videos.  So today we are going to provide more than 500 custom fonts to all of you.  To use all these fonts in your PixelLub, read our post till the end. 
Top Best Pixellab fonts
Top pixellab fonts

Friends, in the collection of all these fonts, fonts have been given to all of you to create gaming thumbnail fonts, vlog video thumbnail fonts and technology thumbnail, including bold italic and brush fonts.  Along with this handwriting fonts thumbnails will also be found in this collection of fonts.  So you will have no shortage of fonts to make thumbnails.  And at the same time let me tell you that if you want to use all these fonts in the video, then for this you download the latest version of kinemaster application.  You can add all these fonts in it. 

About This post

This post is related to youtube thumbnail pixellab fonts which will help you to make good thumbnail for youtube video. 

Topic cover
  1. About pixallab custom Fonts
  2. Use of fonts 
  3. Download Top 500+ custom Fonts
  4. Add fonts in pixallab 
  5. Conclusion

About pixallab custom Fonts

Let's know what is PixelLub fonts? Pixellab fonts are a type of art. All these fonts are used by video content creators to make their thumbnails attractive. Pixellab fonts are of many characters such as bold fonts for thumbnails of gaming videos and handwriting fonts used to create blog video thumbnails. Using attractive font leads to more clicks on thumbnails and because of this your videos start ranking on YouTube. That is why it is very important to apply custom fonts in YouTube videos. If we tell you the definition of custom fonts, then simply understand that custom fonts add shape to the text of your thumbnail. In which you can change the text of your thumbnails by applying fonts with different types of shapes. 

To use this Fonts 

All these fonts are used in an application called PixLub which is an Android application. This application is especially great for creating thumbnails for YouTube videos. The Pixellab application can be downloaded to Android devices from the Google Play Store. To download this application, you open the Google Play Store of your Android device and type pixellub in the search box then you will get this application. There may be a problem in adding custom fonts to the Pixelb application of the latest version, so you should install the version from December 2021 or earlier from any browser. 

Download 500+ custom fonts to pixellab 

Now we will show you how to download all these custom PixelLub fonts. So see, to download, we have given a download link to all of you in this post, which will be visible to you after 30 seconds. After that click on that download button. If you are facing any problem in downloading Pixellab custom fonts then follow this step below. But before that you should make sure that your internet is working well or not. If still you are not able to download then you should use a browser other than Chrome browser. 

Step To download

  • Click download button
  • Link will automatically redirect to google drive
  • Now you can see the download option
  • Now click download icon

By these methods you can download all these custom fonts in your device. 

Add custom fonts in pixellab App 

Now let's understand how to add all these downloaded custom fonts to the Pixellab app. So that you can use all these custom fonts to make your thumbnails. So for this, first of all, extract your downloaded custom fonts because it is a zip file. After this, follow this step given below carefully and if you want to understand by watching the video, then you can watch this video of mine. 


  • Open pixellab app 
  • Add some new text on thumbnail
  • Select new text by single tap 
  • You can see font option in bottom
  • Click font option
  • Now choose>my fonts 

Now you have two options to add fonts. With the help of the first option, you will be able to add only one font. And with the help of the second option, you will be able to add the entire fonts folder at once. 
So here we are going to tell you about how to add all the fonts together in the Pixellab app. 

  • So for this you click on that folder icon.
  • Now open the folder in which you have downloaded fonts. 
  • Now at the bottom you will see the option of add directory in blue color, click on it. 

In this way you will be able to add custom fonts to your PixelLub application. 


All these custom fonts are completely customizable, in which you can add your favorite color, increase their size, increase their size and add 3D effect to it.  It is very useful in designing graphics.  This font cannot be used in any other photo editing application such as pics art Lightroom.  And it's all pretty high quality fonts. 

File information
Name : pixellab fonts
Format : ttf (zip)
Quantity 3000 +
Size : 125M


So we hope that using all these fonts has helped you a lot in creating a good thumbnail. If you want to ask us any information related to Pixellab, then you must comment us. 

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