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Moddy cinematic vn lut filter To make cinematic video

 Moddy cinematic lut

Today we are going to share cinematic vn lut filter with all of you, which will help you in cinematic video color grading.

Moody cinematic lut: This filter is very useful in color grading videos like in movies like Hollywood. 

Cinematic Moddy lut filter to colour grading
Cinematic VN lut 



  1.  About vn lut
  2.  Video color grading
  3.  Download Moddy cinematic lut
  4.  Add Moddy vn filter in video
  5.  Apply filter in video

 About vn lut filter

Many people may have a question that what is vn lut filter, this lut filter makes it easy for us to color grading videos like lightroom has presets for editing photos in lightroom, in the same way bn for you too with cube format extension A reset is created that can be used multiple times for color grading the video.

 Point -

 • Vn lut filter is always in cube format.

 • It can also be used in premier Pro video editing application.


Color grading video with vn Lut filter

Moody cinematic filter changes the color tone of our video as per the need, which we call color grading.

In this preset is already made to do a video color grading by setting all colors and brightness, contrast, etc., all according to presets, so that we can do color grading of videos in just one click. 

Watch video to Get password 

Download Moddy cinematic lut filter

So in this post we have provided top 15 moddy cinematic loot filters to all of you, which you have to download on your phone.


We have given below steps to download moddy cinematic lut filter, by reading those steps you will be able to download the filter easily.

Note: Filter may contain password watch our video to get password.

 step -

 • Wait 30 seconds

 • Click on the download button

 • The link will automatically open in a new window.

 • Now click on the top right corner visible and select the download option.

Now your file has been downloaded to your folder.

 Add moddy cinematic filter in vn app

Let us know ! how you can add filters to vn app as well.

 Step -

 • Open your phone's file manager

 • Go to archive option.

 • Search by file you've downloaded

 • Now extract your file by entering the password.

After extracting the file. Select the extracted files one by one and share them in the vn app. In this way your filter will be added to the vn app.


Apply moddy cinematic filter in video

apply filter, it is very simple, that how you can apply all these filters in the video, but first you must keep in mind the things given below.

 Before applying filter to video

 1. Full HD video

 2. Video should be without noise

 3. Video should be natural color

If you follow the instructions given, then you will be able to do color grading of the video very well. 



We hope you enjoyed our post and also made a cinematic video with the help of Specter. Thanks 

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